get real results.
not just advice.

Unlock your accounting firm or personal leadership potential and transform your business into a powerhouse of revenue with me, Jim Russo, at your side.

what others have said

Your Executive consultant starts here.


Strategic Decision Making

Make strategic decisions that align with the company's objectives and goals.
This includes understanding market trends, making financial forecasts, and planning for the future.


Leadership Skills

Leading a team or even an entire organization. A mentor can provide valuable insights on how to inspire and motivate employees, manage conflicts, and create a positive work environment.


Handling Pressure & Crisis Management

Your role often comes with high levels of stress and unexpected crises. Learning how to stay calm under pressure, make quick yet effective decisions, and manage crises are crucial skills a CEO would want to learn from their mentor.

as seen on

let's be honest...

I don't want to waste your time

If you're anything like me, I value my time heavily.

I dedicate serious time and care to CEOs, entrepreneurs, and accounting firms to help them scale their business and personal growth.

This is my way of giving back 30+ years of CEO education to our future leaders.

If you're truly interested in scaling your business by unlocking new avenues of revenue, AND taking your personal skills to reach new heights, then LET'S TALK!

specializing in the following industries



Tech companies often have high growth rates and investment needs, so they can benefit from professional cash flow management.


Small Businesses

Many small businesses may not have in-house financial experts, so they often need accounting firms to manage their finances.



This industry involves a lot of costs and investments, making it crucial to have accurate cash flow reports.



New businesses can benefit from accountants' expertise in financial planning and cash flow management.



A finance business can leverage insightful financial forecasting and strategic advice, enabling them to scale their operations while maintaining financial stability.


Non-Profit Organizations

A non-profit organization navigate complex financial regulations, aiding in effective cash flow management and scaling their operations.


Woodworking / Cabinetry

Woodworking companies deal with large projects with long timelines, so proper cash flow management can help ensure project profitability.


Real Estate

Property investments often involve large sums of money, so accurate cash flow reports are crucial.



A healthcare business can benefit from proper cashflow advising as it aids in managing future growth, thereby facilitating the scaling of their operations effectively.



Hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality businesses often have variable income and expenses, making cash flow management important.



Construction companies deal with large projects with long timelines, so proper cash flow management can help ensure project profitability.



Educational institutions, especially private ones, need to manage their finances carefully to ensure sustainability.

Meet jim russo:

the man behind the results

The most often asked question I get is, Why? Why have you been so busy with corporate opportunities since your retirement? Haven’t you had enough?

My answer is always twofold: first, when you love what you do, it is not work; it is fun, and I love helping others develop their potential and succeed.

Second, and perhaps more importantly, I have been blessed my entire working career. I have basked in the glory of accomplishments, and I weathered my share of failures.

But even the baseball great Babe Ruth struck out 89 times in the year he hit a record-breaking 60 home runs. Another baseball hall-of-famer, Reggie Jackson, holds the record of the highest number (2,597) of lifetime strikeouts. Neither Ruth nor Jackson is remembered for their miscues. Ruth and Jackson were not afraid of failure. Ruth and Jackson, and others like them, are fondly remembered for their successes. I have battle-tested wisdom that I want to continue to share with others what I have learned to do and what I have learned not to do to be successful.

My primary focus is to help business leaders at all levels ignite their passion for success, by developing their hard and soft skills to the benefit of their professional, personal and community engagements.

Meet jim russo:

the man behind the results

The most often asked question I get is, Why? Why have you been so busy with corporate opportunities since your retirement? Haven’t you had enough?

My answer is always twofold: first, when you love what you do, it is not work; it is fun, and I love helping others develop their potential and succeed.

Second, and perhaps more importantly, I have been blessed my entire working career. I have basked in the glory of accomplishments, and I weathered my share of failures.

But even the baseball great Babe Ruth struck out 89 times in the year he hit a record-breaking 60 home runs. Another baseball hall-of-famer, Reggie Jackson, holds the record of the highest number (2,597) of lifetime strikeouts. Neither Ruth nor Jackson is remembered for their miscues. Ruth and Jackson were not afraid of failure. Ruth and Jackson, and others like them, are fondly remembered for their successes. I have battle-tested wisdom that I want to continue to share with others what I have learned to do and what I have learned not to do to be successful.

My primary focus is to help business leaders at all levels ignite their passion for success, by developing their hard and soft skills to the benefit of their professional, personal and community engagements.

"In the end, it is not what I learned that will matter, it is what I taught that will make a difference."

Jim Russo

no obligation. no bS.

let's talk about you.

Without any obligation whatsoever, please arrange for 30 minute consult with me personally to discover how the Boardroom Academy may help you with your business plans.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Efficiency. Effectiveness. Experience.

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